Couple Money Podcast

Feel like you have a full plate and not enough time (or money!) to plan for retirement? Learn step by step how you two can rock retirement and still have fun now! 

Real Retirement Planning for Real Life

Gotta love analytics. You all that data floating about.

Once a week I look over things including what people searching when they discover Couple Money. And you know what I found?
Believe or not, I noticed pretty much every day people discover my site with some variation of this one question.

How much do we need to retire?

It’s a big question for sure, but I don’t think it’s the right question.
At least not to start with.

As you probably discovered with that first question I asked, retirement can be completely different things to everyone.

And sometimes you two can have differing opinions.

So how do you figure what you need to do? You have to look at it at two different angles. Of course, there’s the technical part with the specific investments in your portfolio.

But you before you do that you need a game plan. One that is robust and at the same time, can adjust as your life changes.

Which is why I brought the Retirement Answer Man himself - Roger Whitney!

Not only is he is a Certified Financial Planner who’s worked for over 25 years and he’s the author of Rock Retirement.

His mission is to shift people’s mindset from investing in a portfolio to investing in what they love.

Because this is a huge deal, we’re having a two-parter.

In this episode we’re discussing:

  • The problem with traditional retirement planning and calculators
  • Striking that balance between taking care of things down the line while still loving your life now
  • How to rethink and plan your retirement as a couple

Let’s jump right in!

Resources to Rock Your Retirement

Ready to prepare for retirement while ill having some fun now? Here are some fantastic resources to set things up and help you plan for your retirement together.

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Music Credit

Like the music in this episode? Our theme song is by Gentle Regime. Additional music by Lee Rosevere.

This post contains affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure for more info.

Direct download: How_to_Rock_Your_Retirement_with_Roger_Whitney.mp3
Category:personal finance -- posted at: 8:24am EST